News of the Dela Cruz Family and the Liberty Bible Baptist Churches, Missions, and Ministries in Cambodia

[NEWS] October 3, 2011 Newsletter

Dear Beloved,

Greetings, we are now in the Philippines for a 2 months visit to the churches. We arrived here September 2 and we will go back on November 2,2011. We came upon invitation to 4 Missions Conferences  and Revival Meetings. We RE-NEWED the passports of Grace and Gaius as well.  We also visited some new churches  and some supporting churches.

For the months of July and August we had been blessed to have 57 saved  and 16 Baptized in Kampong Cham. I will send you all reports for our  other churches next mail.
We had Vacation Bible School this last August with 49 in attendance  and 28 got saved! We were able to open a new area in Hungary Road with  30 teenagers coming for the month of August.
We were having visitation and Soul Winning last July and I met Mr. Chouern WENG. A Buddhist who became a mormon  and God gripped his heart through the Word of God as we talked and he received the Lord Jesus. Now he is faithfully coming to church and helps us drive the church van. He is 46 years old, please pray that his wife will get saved!

On the first Sunday of August God allowed me to preach at the Missions Sunday of First Baptist Church of Nawong and Pathumthani in Bangkok, Thailand. Now they are supporting  local and foreign missions, Glory to God!
Our English and primary Schools continues to go on. We were able to visit the National Prison in Kampong Cham again and this time we talked with Warden Kea Sovana. He is asking us to come in and teach moral values, Amen!
Our Medical  and cancer check up went well. The only problem is high cholesterol and I still need to see my Nephrologist.
God has used us here for the furtherance of the Gospel  as we saw souls saved and in challenging churches for MISSIONS and Christians surrender for the Lord‘s Work.  We hope to raise funds for the ministries in Cambodia and as well us our family funds is depleted. We believe that God will provide as we live by faith and not by sight. 

Please pray for our   Prayer requests:
1) Cambodian 1 year VISA extension for  the family - $480

2) Educational Materials for my sons - $ 450

3) Growth of new believers and follow up of baptismal candidates

4) Wisdom and health for Cambodian pastors and preachers   

5) Building Construction in Dangkao  led by Pastor Sihok

6)Workers & teachers to help us reach Kampong Cham for 

7) Penny’s Monthly Tuition for this last school year - $1,175.00

Thank you so much for your prayers and  investments . 

Yours for the Harvest of Souls, 

Missionary Lomer Hope  and Grace Dela Cruz