News of the Dela Cruz Family and the Liberty Bible Baptist Churches, Missions, and Ministries in Cambodia

[NEWS] April 3, 2011 Newsletter

April 3, 2011

Dear Beloved,

We prayed for an opening in Chup and last Friday we went early in the morning and asked God for Guidance. We ( Rithy, Somnang, Reaksmey and myself) went inside Chumbak village and there we talked with the Village Chief, he allowed us to teach the Bible in his village. Now we need to pray for a family that will open their home for the ministry to begin this next Friday.

We went to the other side of the village and there we passed through the grave yard, there were people dressing up the graves, burning incense and eating their food as a family, some had tents set up, it is Cheng Ming festival for the Chinese folks here too. We talked with village folks and asked if there had been some Christians that passed out tracts and the answer was “never had”.. We drank some sugarcane juice and I tried to talk to Phearum whom was the brother of the vendor, he listened but at the end he would not decide to accept the Lord Jesus yet. We passed out more Gospel tracts, then, we stopped under the shade of the rubber plantation and there we rested and ate our lunch.

It was 2 PM when we reached Suong, we rested for some time and then I called my team as we have to finish the 28th lesson on Soul Winning there were 4 other Young People from Suong that attended.

At 4 PM we had juniors classes there and praise God, 12 of those new comers got saved at the end of the Bible Study.

Today we had a total attendance of 88 in our Sunday Services, we had 18 new comers. My wife had the Juniors Class in the afternoon, she presented the Gospel and we had some that asked questions. We hope these people will come back next week and get saved. At 5 Pm we went to the riverside and passed our 100 gospel tracts.

Praise God for the prayers and the Victory this weekend. May God bless us all as we claim the Victory this week ahead of us as well.

Yours for Spiritual Liberty,

Bro. Lomer Hope