September 30, 2010
Dear Beloved,
For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. -- Romans 14:8. This is the truth that we boldly preach and teach here in Cambodia. The people have lived for their ancestors and are afraid of the “spirits” for many centuries. The “Pchum Bun Feast” has started this week. It’s a 2 week-long celebration for those departed loved ones, and the relatives goes to at least 7 temples to offer rice and food for the souls of those who died.
Vacation Bible School: Last July and August we held Vacation Bible Schools in all the churches. We had a total of 1,826 that attended. At the awarding program, we gave out balloons to kids. My, what those can do to attract more kids and even adults to the program. God blessed us with 609 professions of faith . The Treng Trayueng Baptist Church had the most number of kids as they have done 4 areas around the church and in the villages extension: 302, kids attended and 89 adults.
New Mission House and Ministry Base: We have finally transferred to our new mission house and ministry base in Prey Nob on August 1. We are very happy for God’s provision. Our Mission Office is also in the same building. We are also grateful to God for the bus and van that we can use to help bring in people to Somrong Prey Nob Baptist Church in where we are located. Please pray that we will have good electricity supply. Here we use rain water.
Primary Schools: Our Primary School is Treng Trayueng has 42 kids enrolled with 4 levels. It I the 2ndyear of operation. Preacher Phearun is happy that the students and families have become a part of our church here. In Prey Nob, we have started this September with 12 kids. Preacher Toy Pho is excited that 3 church members namely : Rattanak, Channa and Sros have volunteered to teach. But we need more teachers to come and help for a short or long time.
Baptisms: We had a total of 79 baptisms this quarter.
Church Construction: The Treng Trayoeng Baptist Church’s new building was completely finished this 4th week of August. This church is located 188 kilometers from Phnom Penh along National Route No. 4. We have a little room that we can use at the back of the church whenever we need to stay overnight or when we have some conferences.
Family: Penny left for university in early August. She is in her senior year now, we hope she graduates at the end of the school year. My father in-law died of cancer of the spine last August 11. He was 75 years old. Praise God that he is now in heaven. We went home and I preached 2 times during the wake, there were 8 people that got saved. We had time to meet with old friends and loved ones. My wife was happy to see his dad sleep in glory.
Regular Church Services: Our regular services had been blessed with 114 souls saved through one on one counseling after the invitations. Our Personal Soul Winning had been blessed with 143. Pray for more workers that will Go!
Bible Institute: We continue to train leaders and workers. But God will test and purge. We now have 15 on training. We also have 4 church members in Prey Nob that attend the classes as well. We have seen the students win souls and bring in visitors to boost the ministry in Prey Nob.
Church Anniversary: The Talat Mission had their 2nd year church anniversary. This ministry is blesses with 2 extensions in Tanak Treyt ( a Village towards Brosach). Preacher Tong Borin had been asked by his former employer ( Acleda Bank ) to return to work, but he refused to go and remain as pastor, Amen! He now has 8 helpers and 5 had gone to Bible College.
Health Matters: Grace’s ear problem still continues to bother her. We hope to visit our doctor in Thailand this November. I will also undergo my annual cancer check and visit my renal doctor. Please pray that God will provide our financial needs. Gershom and Gaius are fine.
First Missionary: We invited Missionary Srim Sara ( Cambodian Missionary to Laos) and his wife to visit our church in treng Trayueng and Prey Nob. Our people responded to support them with prayers and their faith offerings. Our Pastors are very happy that we have our 1st Cambodian Missionary to go!
We have one named Reaksmey, he was a monk for 5 years. He was a smoker and also he is a polio handicap. But Reaksmey got saved in our Youth rally last February among others. He testified that he had been a smoker since 12 years old, he is now 27. But the very day he got saved, his craving for a smoke stopped. He now helps in the Sunday School and comes to our Bible Institute. He also visits and win souls as he limps his way to go. It would be good if he had a tricycle which he can use to go around and help the ministry. Yes, God can change people and God can use even a handicap to fulfill His Plan.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Yours for the Harvest of Souls,
Lomer Hope Dela Cruz