News of the Dela Cruz Family and the Liberty Bible Baptist Churches, Missions, and Ministries in Cambodia

[NEWS] 040810 Newsletter

Dear Beloved ,

As of March 31, we had been here in Cambodia for 13 years. As I look back to what God has done through us all, I can’t help but praise Him. Our partnership has brought salvation to many, trained leaders and planted churches. WE are like a cord or a threefold rope. namely: 
1. You pastor and the church 
2. my family as your missionary 
3. Our Cambodian national pastors and churches. 
Ecclesiastes 4:12 says “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken”.

We must continue to use our rope to pull us all together in these needy times. As we know, the rope is never intended to push but to pull, I am grateful that God has pulled us all together to fulfill the Great Commission in our generation.

This 1st quarter our fruits are: an average attendance of 320 in all 20 churches ; total tithes and offerings $151.15; missions offerings $ 17.82 ( these does not include our personal offerings) ; souls saved 93 and 16 baptized in our regular services.

We held 4 Youth Rallies in Snaor, Treng Trayoeng , Sre Ambel and Prey Nup Churches last February . God gave us a total of 623 souls that heard the Gospel Through songs, drama and Preaching. There was a total of 146 souls that got saved.

Our Roving Bible Institute continues to thrive with 5 new students added this quarter. Please pray for them namely, Sovat, Chumruen, Sovanh, Sokunthea and Dara. Preacher Chun Sung opened a new extension work in Veal Thom in Srok Sre Ambel and now he averages 45 every Saturday Bible Class. Thank God he now has a motorbike to use.

Our Primary School (Liberty English School) in Treng Trayoeng goes on with 27 kids.. Recently we had the parents come for the Quarterly Recognition Program last March 26 and they were happy to send their kids to our Sunday School. Preacher Phearun is also happy to have Bro. Hok Samnang surrender his life as assistant preacher in Treng Trayoeng.

Please pray for the following:
  1. Good health: my sore back and neck, Grace’s ear problem, Gershom’s sinusitis
  2. Safety, Wisdom and protection
  3. Growth of New Believers
  4. Training of National Pastors and leaders
  5. Souls Saved at Youth Rallies to be held this May.
We are ever grateful to God for your prayers and support.

Yours for the Harvest of Souls,
Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz

[NEWS] 011510 Newsletter

January 11, 2010

Dear Beloved,

Happy New Year to one and all!

On the last quarter of 2009 we had the following activities and blessings: Sports Camps had 989 attended , 362 saved and 171 baptized ; Evangelistic campaigns in the city and in the provinces of Kampot, Kampong Spue and Preah Sihanouk and Kandal. 1,301 attended. We also had the "Jesus Film" showed in 5 locations and 828 souls got saved ! 23,000 Tracts entitled "How to get to Heaven" were distributed during the Water festival this resulted to 2 families added to our church in Prey Nup, 6 souls in Dangkao, a new Bible student named Sophara.

Our Treng Trayoeng Baptist Church turned 4 years old last November and God blessed us with 7 souls saved. Our Liberty English School there now has 30 kids enrolled. A grandmother came to thank the teachers for the change in character of her grandson. The church in Talat is just 14 months old. Aunt Boun, a church member, offered to God 3,000 square meters of property, now we need to construct.

Our Christmas Programs in the churches resulted to a total attendance of 2,2761 and 278 saved.
We came home to Cebu last December 15 to visit our ailing father and 2 days after we arrived he was confined to the hospital due to pneumonia and metastasis on the lungs. Grace and I took turns in taking care of him there for 10 days. Last January 5, Grace had surgery of her thyroid and the biopsy revealed “adenoma”, Praise God! On January 14 we arrive back in Cambodia.

This is the theme of all our churches and mission ministries. “Expecting God will make it HAPPEN in the new Decade and 2010”. We aim that our people will grow and be more mature. Happen is our goal that stands for:

H- Honor God with our substance , increase in the Grace of Giving ( Tithes and Offerings).
A- Apply and obey His Word, “not hearers of the Word but
doers of the Word“.
P- Plant the Gospel in every home in our villages and districts.
P- Pass the Vision to our new converts, this means discipleship.
E- Enlist in Foreign Missions.
N- National Pastors and preachers will tale leadership role

Thank you for your prayers and support.
Yours for the sake of Calvary,

Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz

[NEWS] 010710 News

Dear Beloved,

Happy New Year!

Please pray for Grace's father for he is already paralyzed and is very ill .
Grace had been having enlarged thryroid and for the past 3 years we had been praying for this. Last Tuesday, Jan 05, she under went surgery and her right thyroid lobe was removed. we are still in the hospital as she waits for the doctor's order to go home tomorrow.
We hope that it is "benign" mass of the right lobe.
Please pray that we can go home to Cambodia next week Jan.13.
We will send our 4th Quarter Prasyer letter soon.

God bless you.

Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz
Missionaries in CAMBODIA since March 1997

[NEWS] 120509 Newsletter

Dear Beloved,

We started the month of November with tracts distribution and we were able to pass out 23,000 copies of a newly translated tracts entilted "How to get to heaven". As a result we have 2 families added to our church in Prey Nup, 6 souls in Dangkao, a new Bible stundent named Sophara.
Below is a Testimony testifying about the result of Soul Winning.

Bro. Tong Borin had to work in the Acelda Bank with a pay check of $230 per month. He had to pay her mother's debt, but when he did , he quit the job to go on with the ministry. A "country-boy" who had to feed a broken home of 7 and yet gave up the money to obey the HIGHER CALLING of GOD. He is the Mission Pastor of Talat Baptist Church. Here is one of his lates soul winning testimony:

On November 21 he went soul winning in Domnak Trach Village and and went to the house of Mr. San to share the Gospel to his brother in-law but when I arrived they were arguing together for Mr. San is asking money so he can drink wine early in then day. So Bro. Borin pacified Mr. San and asked him to listen to me. But he said if you want me to listen to you, give me money to drink wine then I will listen. But bro. Borin convinced him to listen to "the greatest story ever told". Then Mr. San asked "what will I do so I will stop drinking and stop boxing my wife?" If you want to know more come to our Bible Study every Friday and Saturday and come attend church every Sunday. Then he said "can I stop now?". So I asked him to listen more and at the end he prayed the sinner's prayer. After prayer, he did not ask for money to buy wine. His wife came to Mr. Borin and gave 4 coconu fruits. Now, Mr. San asked Bro. Borin to teach Bible in their house and he has been coming to church every Sunday now.

God is still in the business of changing lives here. The church in Talat is just 14 months old. One of the church member , Aunt Boun offered to God 3,000square meters of property so the church can build a church there. God is so good to us and the ministry.
Nov.8 was the 4th Annivesary of Treng Trayoeng Baptist Church. We had 7 saved that day. Our Primary School there has an increased attendance of 24.
Please pray for our coming Sports Camp on Dec.9-10 and our 10 Christmas Evangelistic Programs beginning Dec.13.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Yours for the sake of Calvary,
Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz