Dear Beloved,
God is on our side!
This past 7 days we have our Team in the city and in the province go out and did Evangelistic Campaigns in Phnom Penh, Kampot Province, Kampong Speu, Preah Sihanouk Province and Kampot province.
We were able to have 1,301 that listened and attended to the preaching. We also had the "Jesus Film" showed in 5 locations. Hundreds came and saw. We are very happy to see 828 souls get saved and 64 souls baptized at the camp!
Thank you for your prayers. This week, we are passing out tracts during the "Water Festival" already we passed out 1,500 this last Sunday.
We covet your prayers for our coming Sports camp this December 10 and our Evangelistic Christmas programs this Year end.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely, Lomer Hope Dela Cruz