Dear Pastor and Church,
“Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14”. We believe that GOD CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.
This 3rd quarter of 2009 we saw God has done the impossible once more in our ministries.
July: We graduated 57 Bible College Students in the province and the 16 congregations were happy to see that a part of these graduates are now working full time in our areas. We also have retained 49 preachers and workers during the summer months as they work in our 16 mission works in the province. Our Church Building in Wat Prasat was finished and our Toilet in Talat church was done. This month we had 162 professions of Faith and 23 baptisms in all our areas. We had Fellowship Baptist Youth Camp and my wife’s birthday was celebrated with our beloved missionary families and visitors present.
August : We pushed our church workers to do Vacation Bible Schools and we were able to saturate 4 areas in the province and 3 areas in Phnom Penh City. We were able to see our leaders have grown to lead other leaders as well. This month we had 83 saved and 14 baptisms. We have worked on our church permits and God is helping us financially to process all the paper work.
September : We started this month with many God given troubles. We saw a tumor re-growth in my post-surgical site (left breast cancer site). Grace had some migranes and her thyroid size had increased as well. We had 103 saved and 35 baptized this month. We made A STEP OF FAITH and we started our “ Roving Bible College ”... we call it Indochina Baptist Institute. With God’s provision and some veteran missionaries' advise we went ahead and we are now on our 3rd week of operation as I write to you. “Roving” because we go around the areas every Quarter. Tong Borin who had to work at an Acleda Bank and was receiving salary of $230 per month had quit his job and came to do our church work in Talat and he continues to get Bible training at IBI. What a sacrifice for a poor Cambodian who had to support his parents and siblings yet he willingly surrendered to obey the call of our God, yes! God can do the Impossible. We have 31 other Young People that have made a step of faith too and joined IBI.
Yours in prayers believing God is blessing our partnership,
Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz