News of the Dela Cruz Family and the Liberty Bible Baptist Churches, Missions, and Ministries in Cambodia

[NEWS] 11209 Newsletter

Dear Beloved,

God is on our side!

This past 7 days we have our Team in the city and in the province go out and did Evangelistic Campaigns in Phnom Penh, Kampot Province, Kampong Speu, Preah Sihanouk Province and Kampot province.

We were able to have 1,301 that listened and attended to the preaching. We also had the "Jesus Film" showed in 5 locations. Hundreds came and saw. We are very happy to see 828 souls get saved and 64 souls baptized at the camp!

Thank you for your prayers. This week, we are passing out tracts during the "Water Festival" already we passed out 1,500 this last Sunday.

We covet your prayers for our coming Sports camp this December 10 and our Evangelistic Christmas programs this Year end.

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely, Lomer Hope Dela Cruz

[NEWS] 101509 Newsletter

Dear Pastor and Church,

“Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14”. We believe that GOD CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.
This 3rd quarter of 2009 we saw God has done the impossible once more in our ministries.

July: We graduated 57 Bible College Students in the province and the 16 congregations were happy to see that a part of these graduates are now working full time in our areas. We also have retained 49 preachers and workers during the summer months as they work in our 16 mission works in the province. Our Church Building in Wat Prasat was finished and our Toilet in Talat church was done. This month we had 162 professions of Faith and 23 baptisms in all our areas. We had Fellowship Baptist Youth Camp and my wife’s birthday was celebrated with our beloved missionary families and visitors present.

August : We pushed our church workers to do Vacation Bible Schools and we were able to saturate 4 areas in the province and 3 areas in Phnom Penh City. We were able to see our leaders have grown to lead other leaders as well. This month we had 83 saved and 14 baptisms. We have worked on our church permits and God is helping us financially to process all the paper work.

September : We started this month with many God given troubles. We saw a tumor re-growth in my post-surgical site (left breast cancer site). Grace had some migranes and her thyroid size had increased as well. We had 103 saved and 35 baptized this month. We made A STEP OF FAITH and we started our “ Roving Bible College... we call it Indochina Baptist Institute. With God’s provision and some veteran missionaries' advise we went ahead and we are now on our 3rd week of operation as I write to you. “Roving” because we go around the areas every Quarter. Tong Borin who had to work at an Acleda Bank and was receiving salary of $230 per month had quit his job and came to do our church work in Talat and he continues to get Bible training at IBI. What a sacrifice for a poor Cambodian who had to support his parents and siblings yet he willingly surrendered to obey the call of our God, yes! God can do the Impossible. We have 31 other Young People that have made a step of faith too and joined IBI.

Yours in prayers believing God is blessing our partnership,
Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz

[NEWS] 052209 Newsletter

Dear Beloved,

The rains have begun to shower a little here in Cambodia. The countryside is now greener but the humidity has increased too. This tells us the that rainny days has come.

We expect showers of many many blessings this next few months as the school year would soon end and the students and young people will be free from school and they can spend most of their time in church and get involved more heavily in some ministries. We are also enjoying all the sweet mango fruits that we pick from our yard.

The first quarter of this year we had 432 saved and 60 baptised in the churches , however 433 saved and 188 baptised in the sports camps held from January and February.

This past few weeks we have seen an increase in our church attendance in Bang Keng Kang, Dangkao and Samrong Prey Nup.

We are very happy to know that at least 3 families ahve tear down their idol santuaries and also quit going to the Buddhist temple.

Last Saturday and Sunday it was a joy to have 10 souls saved from our Mission Work in Tropeang kroloueng. Our preacher, Thanks to Bro. Ran kim Eng and Lim Hour is spearheading the work. revival has come to this place after 7 months of spiritual battle.

We are now building a wooden and straw church in Wat Prasat that measures 6 meters X 8 meters. But we also need to build 3 toilets for 3 churches that desperately need such a facility. Each would cost $700- $900.

Last week, we had Youth Sports camp and Family Camp. We had a total of 1,375 that came to attend from 21 churches. We had songs, drama and "hands presentation" We have been blessed with 502 saved and 238 baptisms.

Next month we have 2 events coming up for you to pray for.

Women's Day camp on June17-18
Missions Conference and Church Anniversary in Dangkao on June 28. 

We were able to purchase 50 bible this week. We hope to have more funds so we can buy 300 more for our Mission Works. Each bible costs $4.00

Five of our mission stations need a bicycle. It is the best way to get around the villages and buy their food.

The multipurpose building project in Dangkao needs a lot of prayers as we have not moved forward in our construction due to lack of funds.

This weekend our family will be going to Cebu and Manila, Philippines for a 3 week visit home. We will also be reporting to at least 9 churches. we will also have our Medical Check up in Manila.

As we report to you by mail, we pray that God will continue to bless our partnership in Missions and that God will bless you all as you pray and as you give likewise.

My verse for you today is Proverbs 16:20 "He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good; whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he". 

Your Missionaries and Church Planters,
Lomer Hope and Grace Dela Cruz

[NEWS] 05152009 Family Camp Results

The May Family Camp had 557 attendees and the result are:

243 saved and

141 baptized.

To God be the Glory!

A total of 557 people came to Family Camp.

After the evening service, 177 came forward to be saved! Glory to God.

Youth Sports camp results were:
818 attended in total,

267 saved, and

93 baptized. Glory to God!

2008 Visitation & Area Churches Christmas Programs

2006 Traditional Family Photos

[VIDEO] 2009 LBBC Presentation

[NEWS] 051209 Sports Camp

5-12-2009. 818 campers from 20 different churches registered for the May Sports Camp at the Highlands Campsite.

187 came forward for salvation after Pastor Seourn Sihok preached that evening. To God be the Glory!

2008 Missionary Retreat

2009 Family Photos


Liberty Bible Baptist Churches and Ministries

1. LBBC - Bang Keng Kang, Phnom Penh
Pastor Seourn Sihok

2. LBBC: Dangkao, Phnom Penh 
Pastor Seourn Sihok

3. LBBC: Chamchao, Phnom Penh 
Pastor Eng Bunthoun

4. LBBC: Thnal TeuTang, Kampong Speu 
Pastor Eng Bunthoun

5. LBBC: Snao, Kampong Speu
Pastor Chan "Ray" Rottanak

6. Samake Bible Baptist Church - Talat, Phnom Chroit, Kampong Speu 
Pastor Tong Borin

7. Treyng Treyang Bible Baptist Church - Phnom Chroit, Kampong Speu 
Pastor Meas Phirun

8. LBBC: Chamka Cheyk- Phnom Chroit, Kampung Speu 
Pastor Somreth Seneth

9. LBBC Mission: Vwat Proseth, Kampong Selah, SihanoukVille
Pastor Seng Sarath

10. LBBC Mission: Chamka Leoung, Kampong Selah, SihanoukVille
Pastor Chuen Sang

11. Great Harvest Bible Baptist Church - Srei Ambel, Koh Kong
Pastor John Zerdy

12. Prey Nup Bible Baptist Church - Prey Nup, SihanoukVille

Contact Us!

Field Address:
Liberty Bible Baptist Church
P.O. Box 2050, Phnom Penh 3

Liberty Bible Baptist Church
#30e St. 368
Bang Keng Kang 3, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

855-16-893 348
855-12-777 143


Sending Church:
Bible Baptist Church
55 Katipunan St.
Cebu City, Philippines 6000


Support Address:
Asian Baptist Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 14231 Oritgas Center Post Office
Pasig City, Philippines 1650




Photo Gallery


LBBC Dangkao

Dangkao 11th Anniversary and 4th Missions Conference - July 2010
        [Click to go to gallery]

Liberty Baptist Mission: Kampong Cham


              [Click to go to gallery]

Indochina Roving Bible Institute

First Commencement Exercises - November 7, 2010
           [Click to go to gallery]



Liberty Bible Baptist Churches

Liberty Bible Baptist Ministries

The Dela Cruz Family

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